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Cross Processing in Photoshop
Pick a photo to manipulate. Photos of people usually turn out really good with this effect, but In this case I'm using a street scene.

Straight out of the camera

I wanted as much contrast as possible so I used the technique I wrote about in my previous tutorial. I converted it to mono in two steps. Read that tutorial here.

This is what I'm using but it does NOT have to be a b/w photo. The "real" cross processing technique doesn't need any pre-editing.

Base to work from

Step 1
Add a new Curves adjustment layer. What you're after is a double colour-cast in the photo. I'm working on a grayscale image but I'm still in RGB-mode so the luminosity of the colours will still be affected. Change the blending mode to Color to keep this from happening.

The curves should look something like this:

And the photo will look like this:

Step 2
Add another adjustment layer, this time a gradient map from black to white. This will increase the contrast even more. Change the blending mode to Luminosity. Change the opacity of this layer to control the contrast better than with just the curves layer.

The photo turns out like this:

B/W gradient map

Step 3
Add a solid color adjustment layer and lower the opacity to about 10%. I used a greenish-yellow color (R207 G223 B30). This will add a haze to the entire photo and give it a more retro look.

Like this:

Another colour cast

Step 4
Now we're down to the final touches... To make the photo look more worn and grungy, add a soft gaussian blur and some noise. Just move the sliders until you're happy with what you see.

I like the ink splatters found here on sxc and I think the easiest way to use them is to fill a layer with a solid color, then add the splatter to a layer mask (the splatter should be white and the background black in the mask). I added two of those to my photo. Change the blending mode and opacity to something that looks good. I used a plain white splatter and one black with the blending mode set to soft light.

Masked ink splatters

We also need some scratches. Add a new blank layer, enter quick mask mode (Q) and fill it with black. The layer should turn red. paint a few lines with white where you want your scratches. Then use the crystallize filter at a setting around three. Exit quick mask and fill your selection with white. Change the blending mode to Overlay to get nice transitions of the colours underneath.


Nice jagged scratches

Step 5
The final step is to add a quite hard vignette. This is easily done by adding a new layer with solid black. Choose the elliptical marquee, hold down alt and drag a circle out from the middle of the photo. Feather this selection and hit delete. Change the opacity of the layer to control the effect.

Final image!

This is a quite simple way to create grungy photos. Ofcourse it can be taken further, just add more splatter and scratches :)

Категория: Уроки Photoshop | Добавил: MyPuK (09.11.2008)
Просмотров: 757 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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